Sunday, February 17, 2013

We need a new box!!

The cats are in trouble!!  And, this time its serious!!

First of all, someone trashed the penalty box.

Secondly, the box is an integral part of the game.

Thirdly, the cats have been assessed a Delay of Game, or DoG Penalty for trashing the box.

Fourthly, if the box is trashed, where can a cat sit to serve a penalty?


  1. That is exactly what our cat, Sierra, does to a box.

  2. Replies
    1. Welcome to Barn Cat Mansion. Sit down and enjoy the fun.

  3. thiz iz KNOT de faultz oh BCM...look at de ev eye dense...

    de big hole iz cleer lee de mark of a hoof kick...little eagle did this sure
    as we like trout...

    then...him had de nerve ta make two "eye holes" sew it looked like FLAG
    did it....

    mor penatlteez ta de ponneez !!!!

    flag...we haza catorrney on de way in yur dee fence !!
