Thursday, March 7, 2013

On the road again.....

Beauty Pageant Fox Farm Entry #1

Sid is a vagrant, but she's quite beautiful.  Last summer she had kittens at the neighbor's farm to the west of Fox Farm.
Yesterday, she was spotted sitting on the front step at the farm to the north!

This cat gets around!!

Obviously, spring is just around the corner, because she is on the move......looking for the perfect spot to raise a litter of kittens.
Good luck, Sid, and remember "home is where the heart is". :) 


  1. sid...ewe IZ de beautee...wink wink ;) best fishes two ewe in de contest...we hope all de wee kittehz ewe haz this spring R happee N healthee N another grate sayin iz; home iz wear de haddock iz !!!
