Wednesday, August 14, 2013

There's always next year! :)

The rainy season started in June and hasn't gone away.  Clouds like this are a common sight over Barn Cat Mansion.  Gigantic cumulus clouds carrying torrential rain and hail.............worst of all,


Lots of gardens and grain crops are wiped out.  Saskatoon blossoms promised a bumper crop of wild saskatoons, but with a couple big hail storms, the berries are gone.


  1. such a bummer!!!! but a really nice picture though!

  2. Nature can take away what she pleases. But sometimes what she gives back is awesome. What a sky!

  3. we likes de pick sure guys...tho veree sorree ta lurn bout de cropz N such....ewe canna catch a brake this yeer can ya...


  4. Too much rain in Ontario, too. It's been a weird summer and now it feels like Fall.
