Monday, June 3, 2013

It'll be a crash course!

Sitting on the sawhorse with Uncle Pinkerton (on his mother's side) the little kitten wondered who would teach him the finer points of life if Big Kitty didn't have time.

There would be mice to catch, flies to chase, birds to scare and lots of gophers to pounce on and bring back to the Mansion for special occasions.  And there isn't much time, since all four kittens are moving soon.

Uncle Pinkerton has been looking for a project away from the evil eye of Big Kitty.

Maybe he can teach the little cat a thing or two about life! :)


  1. I'd say he is up to the challenge. Good luck darling kitty.

  2. dood...wee noe ewe can teech bumble junior all de stuff him kneads ta noe... but for de love oh cod..... pleez let him noe de trooth bout burds...that they iz rood, stoooooooooooopid, noizee, bug infested N caca dropperz....we would knot want him goin two hiz new home onlee half teeched ....

