Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wild cats!

Typical kids......

These two found a tunnel in the haystack.  They sit quietly at the entrance until we look at them.

A small glance is okay, but try to move towards them and see what happens.

In the blink of an eye, they are gone!!

This isn't even fun any more......


  1. I think you need to get a good book, sit down in the hay with mom and let them get used to you. They say you have a 12 week time-frame to tame them.

  2. ~~~~~sum bodee go get BP...if any one can catch them kittehz...he can....hope sum one haz eggs splained ta black panther he will knead ta bring de kittehz BAK tho....

    hay...ewe kids...unka BP iz gonna stop by for a wee visit sit N chillax with him for a few minits...therz sum treetz in it for ya....


  3. Maybe a nice bowl of warm milk will bring them closer :)

    They sure are SQUEEEEEEE worthy!!!
