Sunday, May 26, 2013

Take it down!! Quick!!

Suddenly Timbit realized the intruder may be after her special Valentine's beads she left hanging on the fence.

With nasty, cold wind and heavy rains, the foals and mother's were confined to the Mansion for about three nights.  This is never comfortable for the cats.  They have a certain schedule and horses totally disrupt their lives.

For instance, the horse stalls have lovely shavings that turn an otherwise normal litter box into something fantastic.  The problem?

How can you get comfortable with the task at hand when a 1200 pound horse with four very hard feet is about to step right in the spot you chose?


  1. Poor cats! No privacy at all!
    Hey, Timbit, we like your necklace!

  2. timbit: tell little eagle ta get hiz own shavins...with hiz cheetin wayz he can prob ablee get 20 stallz werth for a wee penny....N put yur necklace up & a way...he will steel it sure as we like trout....

