Wednesday, September 5, 2012

She does it every time!

Well, the mother cat jumped up in the air and left behind eight kittens, and probably nine, if we could see the bottom of the pile.  At least four of them aren't hers.
Do you know who they belong to?
Old Ghost Kitty!!  She moved her kittens into the shop, told them to eat "whatever" and weaned them. If they find a free meal, she is DONE with them. 

Happens every year!!


  1. I guess that is what they mean by "tough love"

    That is a bunch of colorful kittens.

  2. Beautiful kittens - I hope they will be all right.

  3. I LOVE the little beige clown in the front balancing on her head :)

    1. The little ones tumbled around when the mother left in such a hurry. She actually jumped up and took off. Too many mouths to feed. She only has five of her own and four more stopped for lunch! :)
