Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sad little kitty.....

Oh no!!  A couple of days ago, Mr. Size 14s opened the big door of the shop and guess what he found:

a kitten with her claws stuck in the front of an old chair.

She was hanging there by her front feet!!  Well you can imagine how cold and stretched her poor little body was.

She must have meowed all night long because she couldn't even make a sound.

Her poor little legs were like rubber and the left one was so weak, we put a cast on it.


  1. Somekitty needs a lot of love right now! Poor baby.

  2. Give her a hug for me. Kittens that age need constant supervision. There are too many dangers outside for them.

  3. OMG!!!! that breaks my heart!!!! I hope she is ok. Are you sure she doesn't need a vet? :(

  4. Yes, what about the vet??!! Poor thing. We are very upset!!

  5. So is this poor little thing the Yapper from the previous kitten post?
