Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bumble's Secret Mission

We'll take a break from Suckee's Adventure to check in on Bumble Butt.  No orders yet to inform him of a departure date for the

Secret Mission

so he's been sitting in the tub, relaxing for now.  Mansion cats lost the ability to go out hunting this week..... maybe because Mother Nature threw a few days of winter our way.  What I wouldn't do for one of their fur coats....feeding horses and cows is a cold job on a January day in Alberta.....


  1. Relaxation in a hot tub is a must before going out on a secret mission. Good thing Christmas is over, otherwise I would have thought Bumble Butt is the Santa going on his “secret mission”.

  2. Yep, it's been cold and snowy here too! We prefer to stay inside safe and warm!!

  3. Does that tub haf sumthing wonderfully sniffie to lay on??? We bet it does. The barn probably comes wif lots of good whiffies.

  4. Its the paper recycling tub in the Mansion - empty cat food bags covered by a nice warm blanket. When the bags get taller than the tub and cats fall out of bed, we send the paper to the Recycling Depot....:)
