Sunday, April 8, 2012

What more can you say??

Barn Cat Mansion

Fuzz Ball Hunt & Easter Party

Due to windy conditions, the Fuzz Ball Hunt was cancelled.  We used about a million staples just to keep the table cloth from flying away. 

It was a come and go kind of a party, so after breakfast, almost everyone left,
 .....waaaay before they were supposed to.

That's when the colorful eggs turned up, full of Party Mix, and someone ate a few too many.
(not naming any names)   :)


  1. Awww!!!! lol, early leavers = losers :)

    I think that someone must be Bumble Butt :)

    Have a happy Eatser all kitties and woofies and their humans!!

  2. who is that? is it tipster? it's not pink enough for Pinkerton.....

  3. Its Tipster. You can see the tail if you look real close.
