Thursday, April 5, 2012

Coming up for air...

Back on November 19, all 9 cats living in Barn Cat Mansion could fit into one

"sleeping tub". 

Pinkerton, Tipster, Jovi and TOT were still kittens.  Check out poor little Tipster way at the back.  He was barely able to keep his head above the sea of cat fur.  Its a good thing we added one more tub over winter.  Someone would surely drown if they tried this now...


  1. Replies
    1. When the Big Kitty takes a nap, everyone tries to nap with him. He's so big and warm.

  2. That's a good arm-ful alright. They are all so beautiful. Deb

  3. OMG, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen :)

  4. 9 cats?.... I'm counting 10! Is one of them a real ghost :)

    1. Oops!!! We did have ten cats back in November. Sorry, I missed Jet in that photo and he is no longer with us....
